Forsooth, good friend, I am a gentleman.

Merry Report
A goodly occupation, by Saint Anne!
232 - 233

Scene 3 - The Gentleman

The first mortal to come to the court of Jupiter is The Gentleman, who seeks ideal weather for his hunting. Granted access to the god, he argues that this provision will benefit society at large because his well-being at the top of the commonwealth will trickle down to the lower orders. Jupiter says that he will keep The Gentleman's suit in mind until he is ready to deliver his judgement. The Gentleman is left with Merry Report, who secures a tip to promote the aristocrat's petition when the time comes, and then subjects him to a string of bawdy insults which eventually drive him from the stage.

Key Research Topic

The Great Hall at Hampton Court Palace

The Merchant 034_mr_mer

A description of the architecture, features and historical function of the Great Hall at Hampton Court Palace.

Historical Context

Sir Thomas Elyot on the Education of Aristocratic Children from The Book Named The Governor (1531)

Sir Thomas Elyot drawn by Holbein

A detailed discussion on how to be a good nobleman and ruler from an explicitly humanist perspective.



View film stills from Scene 3


View photos of David Weston as The Gentleman